‘Hamas Death Cult must be destroyed’ says Canadian Opposition Leader

Hamas Death Cult

Pierre Poilievre, who is the leader of the Opposition of Canada, weighs in on the barbaric attack on 7/10/23 referring to Israel’s aggressors in Gaza as ‘the Hamas death cult’. He also says that the current regime in Iran is the world’s greatest actor of evil and must be stopped. Read the transcript of his speech or watch the clip below.

“Shalom, it is with a combination of heartbreak and outrage that I join with all of you here today. Heartbreak for the innocent mothers, babies, grandparents, partygoers, peace activists who suddenly and inexplicably lost their lives at the hands of an unprecedented terrorist attack and outrage at the attackers.

“So, in starting my remarks tonight, let me be explicitly clear: Hamas is not a militant organisation, it is not an activist organisation, it is surely not a government. It is a sadistic, demonic, genocidal, terrorist death cult and it must be defeated and destroyed.

“The incredible carnage that this Hamas death cult has unleashed in the last 72 hours would be bad enough were it not for the apparent pleasure and sadistic pride with which it was carried out and so I say to those who might not perhaps have strong opinions about the Middle East, what kind of organisation would carry out such hideous violence against such obviously innocent people and do it in the most cruel and odious manner? And then willingly publicise it for all the world to see? This is evil in its purest form and that evil must be defeated.

Hamas Death Cult doesn’t speak for the Palestinians

“Hamas does not speak for the Palestinian people, it does not speak for Muslims and it surely does not speak for Canadians and that is why I unreservedly condemn any and all who took part in the disgusting celebrations that we have seen on our streets in the last couple of days.

“It is now for Canada to stand with Israelis as they carry out their right and obligation to defend themselves, to provide any support we can and intelligence, and any other way to ensure there is high-quality consular services for every Canadian citizen who may be stranded or in need of any assistance whatsoever and I know that members of parliament for all parties will be united in that purpose.

“I know we will all be working together to frantically bring assistance to any of our Jewish brothers and sisters or people of any other faith who may for any reason be in distress in the Middle East at this time and I encourage everyone here to donate generously to the beautiful charities who are helping to come to the rescue. Charities like Magen David Adom (The Israeli equivalent of the International Red Cross) and countless others. Let us all be generous at this time.

“Canada must call for an investigation into how this attack was so well coordinated. It is clear to me that the regime and Iran has been the greatest actor of evil and terrorism on the world stage and we must work day and night to defeat that regime and that includes criminalising the IRGC so that they can never use this as a safe operating ground in which to do their horrible work.

The People of Israel live

“I want to thank the rabbi for reading the beautiful Psalm 23, one of my favourite. “Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, you are with me Oh Lord.” (Psalm 23:4). It is hard, almost impossible to have a sense of hope in a time like this but I do have hope, not just for the people in this room, and for the Jewish people across our country, but for the Jewish State of Israel Because Am Yisrael Chai. (“The people of Israel live”)

“The Jewish people are the only people who live as the same people on the same land, worshipping the same faith, in the same language as 3000 years ago. There have been monsters of all shapes and sizes and types who have attempted to destroy the Jewish people but they have never succeeded. The Israeli people are eternal in the defence of their homeland, faith and culture.

“One of my greatest memories was taking Shabbat with a Rabbi from London, ON who had made aliyah and gone to Israel and his seven kids sitting there singing the same beautiful songs that would have been sung in that same land 3 millennia earlier.

“That is a story of survival and so I pledge the continuing friendship of His Majesty’s loyal Opposition of the Parliament of Canada, indeed of all Canadians we stand with you in these horrific times. Our bond of friendship is strong and our faith in the future is complete. So, may you keep that faith and stand strong and hold true as you always have. Am Yisrael Chai.”

Also read: Why Christians Should Support Israel: A Biblical Perspective

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"Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed." This is God's call to us all to support the Jewish People.

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