The Stars Foundation calls the nations to support World Orphans Day

Each year World Orphans Day is observed around the world on the Second Monday in November as a day devoted to empowering orphans and displaced children of the world.

World Orphans Day

The Stars Foundation, a Nashville, TN-based nonprofit, initiated World Orphans Day in 2009 to unite world leaders in a call for global solutions to aid the most marginalised children on the planet. 

The Stars Foundation works with the music and sports industries to convey powerful messages focused on the rights of Orphans. Thus far IT has helped distribute over $115 million goods in kind over the past decade.

Lighting the World Purple for Orphans is an annual campaign led by the Foundation to draw awareness to the problems of children displaced by wars, disasters, poverty, and illnesses. 

Why celebrate World Orphans Day?

Staggering statistics clearly show a pandemic of growing proportions of children displaced and left behind through the chaotic circumstances of our world today.

  • One in six children in the world are living in a conflict zone right now;
  • There are a total of 16.6 million AIDS-related Orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa alone;
  • There are 30 million Orphans in India; and
  • In Malawi, one of the poorest countries in Africa, there are one million orphans out of a population of 12 million. Kondanani Children’s Village is one exemplary orphanage that is making a huge difference.

The Founder of World Orphans Day and The Stars Foundation, Cheryl Robeson Piggott states, “We cannot serve all 153,000,000 Orphans but we can ask individuals, churches, civic groups, to remember these forgotten ones. The power of one person helping an orphan or foster child can make a huge difference in the lives of these children.”


Also read: Mother of Malawi battles Covid-19, then malaria but thankfully survives to care for over 100 children

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