Divine healing is yours… 3 ways God can heal you right now

What do you believe about divine healing? I have always known God as the ultimate healer, but to be honest I haven’t always placed that much emphasis on it in my life. Perhaps this is because I’ve been pretty healthy or maybe I’ve kind of viewed divine healing as being purely up to God and His will for each individual. However, today I felt the Lord say that I should trust Him for healing in every area of my life, including my doubts and fears, and share this message with others.

The God of Christianity is a loving Father, who sent His only son, to redeem us from a life separated from Him, so that whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. When we receive Jesus as Saviour, He comes to dwell in our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which we know as The Trinity. The three members of the Godhead work together to offer you divine healing right now in three important ways.

As an echo of the Trinity, each person on earth has a spirit, soul and body. Divine healing therefore is not restricted to physical ailments. God wants us healed spiritually, soulishly and bodily. Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance, while the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. Our God offers us life, provision and restoration – the exact opposite of death, theft and destruction.

Divine Healing

Divine Healing of the Spirit

As humans, we are most probably concerned about the healing of our bodies, first and foremost, but in God’s eyes, He places the highest emphasis on our spirits. That is because our spirit is the most important part of us and it lives on long after we leave this earth. The most significant question we can ask, is where our spirit will go once we die? I believe that when we accept Jesus as Lord our spirit is recreated or healed giving us the ability to live with God throughout eternity.

God’s restoration of the Soul

Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. This is a secondary area where divine healing is crucial. Each of us is wounded in some way, whether it be from external trauma or internal conflict about our value. So many suffer from mental health issues in today’s world. There is no quick fix for depression, anxiety etc, but we can start by telling ourselves the truth. That God loves us, that He didn’t make us inferior and He has a plan for our lives. This process requires applying the truths of God’s Word to the falsehoods that we have come to believe. For example, a common issue could be self-worth. “I am not good enough,” you may say. Yet the Scriptures tell us otherwise.

Total health for the Body

Just as God wants to heal our spirit and soul, so He also wants to heal our body. He exists outside of our limited understanding of time and eternity so has a much wider perspective on things than we can begin to imagine. Yes, it sometimes appears that God is not answering our prayers concerning physical healing. Once more, this is a process. Yes, it can be instant, but more often than not it is a gradual journey of faith. God also uses medical science to support us in this quest, doctors and nurses. It is also true that we are what we eat and often a dietry change can make a huge difference as I have learnt from the book, Eat, Pray and Get Well.

Whatever our individual situation or circumstances, or wherever we are on the healing journey we have many, many wonderful promises in the Bible cocnerning healing, to encourage us in our quest for complete healing, even if this only happens at the end of our life. Whatever God’s timing, we who have accepted Jesus, will be resurrected, with new bodies that will dwell with Him eternally. The important thing for us is to live a life of faith, always expectant of divine healing in all areas of life.

Also read Need healing? Try Jesus the Healer!


Wordsmith, overcomer and exhorter. Al has a degree in Journalism and Media Studies and years of communications experience in Africa, the UK, Israel and USA. He left South Africa in 2001 and worked for GOD TV in England for 18 years. He now heads up Countdown Creative, a content creation business in Exeter. Al is the author of three biographies. Blogs he writes for include GODTV.com; International Christian and UK and US Christian.

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