More than 1.2 million people have been impacted with the Gospel in Nigeria through the latest Christ for All Nation’s crusade in Ibadan, Nigeria. In addition, the CfaN Fire Conference (a registered event for pastors and church leaders) was the largest in the history of the ministry, surpassing 150,000 delegates!
The four-day event was marked by hundreds of thousands of salvations, the in-filling of the Holy Spirit, physical healings, freedom from addiction, deliverance from demonic oppression, and a myriad of other miraculous encounters with God. The incredibly vast crowd included many prominent Church and government leaders, including the Governor of Oyo State and his wife.
CfaN President and Lead Evangelist Daniel Kolenda gave clear, impassioned Gospel presentations to the massive crowds, and hundreds of thousands made documented decisions to follow Christ and are now being assimilated into local participating churches for discipleship. In addition to local worship teams, Nations Church Worship Director Eddie James led powerful and memorable times of worship. All in all, it was another high-water mark for the more than 40-year-old ministry and a vital reminder that God’s heart still beats to see the lost come home to Him.

Miracles healings a key part of sharing the Gospel in Nigeria
The Ibadan Crusade is a testimony to the extraordinary “evangelism infrastructure” CfaN has built over the past few years. For 3 weeks before the official start of the Ibadan meetings, CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp students worked tirelessly in the streets of Ibadan and its surrounding communities. They preached from CfaN “Gospel Trucks” in villages, in Kid’s Crusades, and spent time evangelizing in marketplaces. In all, more than 1800 separate evangelistic events were conducted, and 239,903 people made documented decisions for Christ—before the Crusade even began! While Daniel Kolenda and Eddie James are the most visible participants, the CfaN ministry team included nearly 200 evangelists.
Anyone familiar with Christ for all Nations’ Gospel Crusades knows that praying for the sick is also an important component to these massive events. Each night, many testimonies are heard from those who have received miracles. In Ibadan, one notable testimony came from a military man who had been in a motorcycle accident thirty years ago. As a result, his skull had caved in (the scars of which are still clearly visible), and a metal rod had been put in his leg, making it difficult to walk. To make matters worse, just before the Ibadan Crusade, he fell in a ditch and further injured himself badly. However, according to his testimony, Jesus supernaturally completely healed him at the Crusade. He said he couldn’t feel the rod in his leg anymore, that he was pain-free and had perfect use of his legs. He even started jumping up and down on the platform. “This tough man wept for joy as he thanked God for his healing,” Kolenda recalled.
You can see more highlights that have been reported with riveting detail in Evangelist Kolenda’s Crusade Updates on