As we sit at home waiting for restrictions to lift it seems many have been hit by the lockdown blues. You may feel tired, depressed and ready to give up. However, others are making the most of this opportunity and turning to interior design makeovers to pass the time. You may be lacking in confidence to spend money in these uncertain times, but a coat of paint doesn’t cost that much. The question is what colour scheme to choose? A dark combination to reflect your mood or something brighter to instill hope?
My wife loves scrolling through social media sites looking at the latest interiors and her perception is that light colours are very definitely out. The trend is now towards dark blues and greens. It seems having a navy blue or dark green backdrop is popular. However, she still maintains that dark colours make rooms look smaller and prefers lighter hues that give the illusion of space.

Perhaps these current interior design trends are a reaction to people feeling boxed in and locked down? One would think that the opposite would be the case, showing a keenness to enlarge one’s space. So, what is the reason behind the trend towards dark colours? Is it due to the underlying mood, lockdown blues, or is it just because fashion dictates?
Teal or turquoise was once popular in home decorating shops. However, these days it’s hard to find a turquoise towel anywhere! Of course, if we wait long enough the colour will be back in fashion at some point! If all my wife’s scrolling has highlighted anything, it is that fashion and interior design trends go around in circles.
Throughout Lockdown people have been sharing photos of their redecorated rooms. At least DIY shops must be doing a roaring trade when open. It seems that the biggest question on people’s posts is, “Hope you don’t mind me asking but where exactly did you get that item?”
Pampas grass seems to be another must-have accessory for the home, with discussions on how to get some? “Can you grow it? Where do you buy it?”

Perhaps people see pampas grass as a symbol of freedom or something to brighten up the lockdown blues, capturing a sense of the great outdoors which elude us at the moment. Not being able to drive to the next town or beauty spot has made people feel hemmed in like never before. It seems some are prepared to do anything for a few strands of grass. Those who grow it in their front gardens need to be particularly careful that it doesn’t disappear under the cover of darkness!
For the Christian, we are in the world, not of it. We are not to conform to the patterns of this world. God rather wants us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We don’t have to be held back by the lockdown blues! You can paint your walls any colour you like. That doesn’t really matter. However, the way we think about the future does. It’s so important to be filled with God’s Word and to live in hope, expectant of His blessings. And we can expect God’s protection, even in a time of pandemic.
Are your days filled with hope or do you live in fear? God’s Kingdom is filled with righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. Let us be aware of the interior design of our hearts. Let our hearts be filled with God’s light. This present darkness will not last forever.
Also read: Suicide is not an option