The significance of Queen Elizabeth 11 (1926-2022) to Christians Worldwide

Christians across the globe join the nations in mourning the sad passing of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth 11, the UK’s longest-reigning monarch. She was an extraordinary servant leader who spoke boldly of her faith in Jesus Christ and the anchor Christianity was to her life.

It is fitting the Queen who was loved by people of all different, faiths, ethnicities and nations, passed away during her 70th Anniversary year on the throne. As one of the most famous people to profess faith in Christ, she was an example to both Christians and non-Christians everywhere. She was the head of the Anglican Church and ‘Defender of the Faith’, but she also led the Commonwealth of Nations.

It’s wonderful to see people all across the UK rallying together to pay tribute to the life of Queen Elizabeth 11 following her death on Thursday 8th September. She was the longest-reigning British monarch by far and was a constant reassurance to people worldwide for over seven decades.

Each year we heard her Christmas message which often highlighted aspects of her deep Christian faith and it is clear God truly blessed Queen Elizabeth 11 with long life, answering the prayers of the British people, as sung in their national anthem. “Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, God save the Queen.”

The Queen was 96 when she died, while still faithfully serving her people having appointed the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss just days before she passed. We thank God for the longevity of her reign and are inspired by her lifelong devotion to her God-given calling.

the Platinum Jubilee for Christians

Queen Elizabeth, an example to Christians

The Platinum Jubilee holiday festivitiess held earlier this year was s a celebration of God’s faithfulness. Queen Elizabeth 11 was aptly described as ‘Our Faithful Queen’. She was an amazing example of service, loyalty and faithfulness, all characteristics that God challenges us to develop. You can read more about this in a book that has been produced by the International Bible Society and Hope Together entitled, Our Faithful Queen – 70 Years of Faith and Service.

Let us be inspired by Queen Elizabeth 11 to be faithful in all God has called us to do, whether our lives are long or short, in our Master’s service. Much has been written about the Queen and her faith. Perhaps this can be summed up best in her own words from past Christmas messages. For example, “For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life.”

The Queen’s challenge to non-Christians

It’s well known the Queen met Evangelist Billy Graham and was challenged by his message of salvation in Jesus Christ alone. Perhaps this is what prompted her to share this Christmas message in 2011. May these words be a turning point in your life as you consider them carefully…

“God sent into the world a unique person – neither a philosopher nor a general (important though they are) – but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It can heal broken families, it can restore friendships and it can reconcile divided communities.”

Queen Elizabeth 11

Philosophy and religion, cannot save us. Neither can an army general or all the armed forces in the world combined. Only a Saviour can accomplish that and there is only one true Saviour and His name is Jesus. Our salvation starts with a relationship with Him. God offers each of us this free gift, all we need to do is receive it by faith.

If you have never accepted Christ as Saviour, speak to Him right now and invite Him into your life. Ask Him to forgive you for what you have done wrong and decide to turn over a new leaf. You will embark on the most amazing journey you could imagine. You will soon discover that you become a new creature in Christ, the old has gone and the new has come. Yes, it will still be a process, a journey of faith, that will last your whole life, whether long or short. Whatever the case, like Queen Elizabeth, embrace it as an act of devoted service.

Also read: Put your trust in God as we embrace a new era for the UK

International Christian

FAITH • HOPE • LOVE. We aim to bring a fresh mix of inspirational reports, articles, stories and testimonies to encourage Christians across the nations.

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