Join the GO Movement and reach someone for Jesus

Based in Berlin, Germany, the GO Movement champions the cause of the Great Commission. This is the command Jesus Christ gave to all believers to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19). It is a call we all share and the GO Movement assists Christians worldwide to fulfill this mammoth task. Each year they target the month of May as ‘GO Month’ culminating in GO DAY / ‘Global Outreach Day’.

The GO Movement encourages millions of Christians to share the Gospel message more strategically. Their vision is so simple that every church and every Christian can join in. Each believer, is encouraged to use their own gifting and personality to share the Gospel in a unique way that is appropriate for their cultural environment.

Internationally known leaders such as Loren Cunningham (YWAM), Daniel Kolenda (CfaN), Dick Eastman (Every Home for Christ), Mark Anderson (Call2all) and many other organisations are committed supporters of the vision. These include the Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) and the International House of Prayer (IHOP) which mobilise millions of intercessors in over 200 countries.

GO Movement

Let’s GO!

If you have never shared your faith, you are not alone. According to, 95% of Christians have never shared their faith and less than 2% are involved in a ministry of evangelism. Furthermore, 71 % don’t give towards the Great Commission. This is why GO Movement devotes an entire month to evangelistic outreaches worldwide in 150 nations. Christians are encouraged to share their faith with at least one person on GO Day.

“The goal of GO Movement is to mobilise every Christian on the planet to reach one person,” says GO Movement Founder, Werner Nachtigal. “The need for evangelism is urgent since this is the number one way someone becomes a Christian. Every Christian sharing their faith with one person worldwide would result in the entire world being reached within a decade.”

According to latest Go Movement updates, children in the Dominican Republic have had great success in sharting the Gospel. “They passed out tracts and prayed for people. Reaching children and youth is a priority for the GO Movement since, according to the International Bible Society, 85% of Christians made a decision to follow Christ between the age of 4 to 14. The GO Movement has a task force devoted to equipping children and youth to share their faith.

“In Matthew 9:37, Jesus said, ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ The GO Movement is an answer to Jesus’ prayer with a wide network of key partners that have a heart for evangelism!”

For more information about the GO Movement and Go Day visit

Also read: Christianity in Iran gets a boost with new Gospel outreach via smartphone

International Christian

FAITH • HOPE • LOVE. We aim to bring a fresh mix of inspirational reports, articles, stories and testimonies to encourage Christians across the nations.

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