International Men’s Day seeks better relations between men and women

The world marks International Women’s Day in March and today, 19th November people in some 80 countries will celebrate International Men’s Day.

One may wonder why there is a need to have specific days to acknowledge the achievements of a particular gender. However, International Women’s day has undoubtedly helped to empower women to advance in society, but why is a day needed for men?

International Men’s Day launched in 1999, and is now celebrated worldwide. Part of its mission is to honour and appreciate women and organisation recently distributed a message of support for all women. “We want to say to the women of the world, ‘Happy International Women’s Day’.”

International Men's Day

The founder of International Men’s Day, Dr Jerome Teelucksingh, who is from Trinidad & Tobago believes that it has the potential to become a global initiative to heal the world.

“The concept and themes of International Men’s Day are designed to give hope to the depressed, faith to the lonely, comfort to the broken-hearted, transcend barriers, eliminate stereotypes and create a more caring humanity.” he says.

International Mens’ Day 2021

One of the aims of the day is to improve gender relations and promote gender equality for both men and women. Hence, the theme for 2021 is “Better Relations Between Men and Women.”

The coordinator of Warwick Marsh, who is based in Australia, said, “Our mission this year is to help individuals, families, churches, communities, small business and corporates, including NGOs and Governments, work towards better relations between men and women.”

Warwick also spoke about the way International Men’s Day values manhood and womanhood and helps people make practical improvements for positive relationships between the sexes. “We must bring an end to the gender war and work toward reconciliation between men and women for the greater good of all,” he said.

According to social science research sons and daughters greatly benefit when fathers are supportive and caring towards the mother of their children.

Movember is the month dedicated to supporting men’s health,” says Warrick. “We provide suggestions on how to celebrate International Men’s Day, on 20 November through the IMD website.  The following day is International Children’s Day which forms 48 hours of celebration for men, children and the special relationship fathers have with their children.”

Also read: Annie Chikhwaza continues to inspire women around the globe from our Women In Leadership series.

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