Sometimes our life’s biggest battle lies within our own thinking

There are a lot of people who think that life’s biggest battle lies somewhere between the unfavorable circumstances we face in life or tough seasons and struggles. Yes, that could be true, however, I believe our life’s biggest battle begins on how we see things, and the way we think.

There are things that are easy on others while hard for you and there could be things that are easy for you while hard for others. It is really based upon the way one looks at things and the way we think.

If you think low, then you will be feeling low. If you think happy thoughts, it will reflect on the outside. It is not about the law of attraction, but most of the time, what we think on the inside; reflects what we do on the outside. As Joyce Meyer says, “Whatever we focus on, we become. Wherever we put our energies or our attention, those things will develop. Another way I like to say it is, ‘Where the mind goes, the person follows’!”.

It’s really important therefore to be careful as to what things we feed into our minds, because that is what directs the course of our actions.

Life’s biggest battle

Trials, failures, pain, hurts, anger, etc are part of being human. As we are still in this world, our flesh can still feel these things or emotions. But if you let all these things overly affect you, then you are just giving the enemy or Satan the loophole to do so.

That’s exactly how Satan works, he loves to distract you, loves to bombard your mind with irritations, dissatisfaction, doubts and fears and even in the way you reason with things. Do not forget, you have the power to stop these negative things from overwhelming you. Always remind yourself of this!

Train your mind to think victoriously. Just like the Apostle Paul said to the Philippians. “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

The Apostle Paul also instructed us in Romans 12:2, to never be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

What we feed in our mind, we become, so it’s really essential to guard your thoughts and train your mind to think victoriously in order to win life’s biggest battle. If you want to live victoriously, then you’ve got to have a victorious mindset. If you settle for a miserable life, all you need is a negative mindset. The choice is yours to make, it will always start with your own thinking!

Also read: 7 Ps to ensure happiness in 2021

Image: Shutterstock

Joyca Lorriene

Joyca Lorriene is a writer based in the Philippines.

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