Christmas with The Chosen – Share Biblical truths of the nativity like never before

These holidays, share Christmas with the Chosen. What better way is there to relax with the family than watching or rewatching the epic story of Jesus Christ? Director Dallas Jenkins has brought us three full seasons of The Chosen, with a fourth season on the way.

The Chosen is a multi-season TV series available for streaming from multiple sources including The Chosen App. Plus many of the episodes have premiered in cinemas / theatres before finding their way onto the streaming platforms including Netflix and YouTube. See The Chosen YouTube Channel for previews!

The Chosen tells the story of Jesus from the perspective of His disciples. What’s more, at the end of each year you can expect to experience Christmas with The Chosen, with special broadcasts that include songs from best-loved Christian recording artists and musicians along with performances from the actors. This brings the nativity to life in a festive yet profoundly life-changing way.

In this article, we focus on a specific episode of THe Chosen, entitled The Messengers which comes with a strong call to action – “People must know” – a call to share the Good News with family and friends in a way they have never seen it before.

“People must know.” is the rallying cry of The Chosen, an epic series on the life of Jesus. There is no price too high to share the Good News.

Christmas with The Chosen

The Chosen shares the life of Jesus through the eyes of His disciples and this is particularly apt at when many are celebrating a holiday without even knowing the Christ of Christmas. Dallas and his team have masterfully juxtaposed the Biblical account of Mary and Joseph with reflections from Mary many years later as the fledgling church withstands grave persecution.

In The Messengers, Mary, the Mother of Jesus shares precious memories with Mary Magdalene, at a time when believers are being bitterly persecuted. This offers so much hope to the Church of today and especially those Christians who have to practice their faith in secret.

However, we know that there is no price too high to share the Gospel. People must know and this has certainly become the rallying cry of Christmas with The Chosen. It is now up to us, today’s Church of Jesus Christ, to share His message boldly and The Messengers is an ideal way to share a message of peace and goodwill to all people.

Christmas with The Chosen, The Messengers

The Messengers first aired in December 2021 as part of a two-hour special holiday broadcast, Christmas with the Chosen. The first part is an inspirational carol concert followed by the Christmas story as depicted by The Chosen Actors You will love the outstanding music and vocal talent of the concert. There are also four thought-provoking monologues highlighting the Hebrew names of God which include Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our Peace.

During the concert, actor Luke Dimyan shares this challenge: “For we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard… We are not alone anymore… Emmanuel, God with us. The messages we have received mean that we are not hearers only but doers and messengers of the Word, proclaiming the news to the four corners of the earth, inviting all to come and see. That the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. in Him was the life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. It never can and it never will. It’s not that people ought to know, people could know, people should know, but people must know the wait is over. WE ARE THE MESSENGERS NOW!”

Christmas With The Chosen: The Messengers broke records for its film distributor. Now viewers around the world can watch the two-hour presentation via web streaming, on the Chosen App worldwide or via YouTube. See the Trailer below. It features all our best-loved carols along with inspirational new Christmas songs, filmed on the set of The Chosen 2 and featuring many outstanding Christian musicians and recording artists.

Share this with family and friends this Christmas so all people may know…

The Chosen, The Messengers includes the following worship leaders and bands: Phil Wickham; Maverick City Music; for KING & COUNTRY; Brandon Lake; Cain; Leanna Crawford; Jordan Feliz; Dawson Hollow; Matt Maher; One Voice Children’s Choir; The Bonner Family; Bryan and Katie Torwalt; and We The Kingdom.

Actors from The Chosen cast who perform monologues include: Austin Reed Alleman (Nathaniel); Giavani Cairo (Thaddeus); Luke Dimyan (Judas) and Lara Silva (Eden).

Also read: The Chosen Season 3 hits movie screens across the world

International Christian

FAITH • HOPE • LOVE. We aim to bring a fresh mix of inspirational reports, articles, stories and testimonies to encourage Christians across the nations.

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